Xx and X beginning words

ABC worksheet: X and x

This coloring worksheet is for the letter X. Let kids listen and follow the instructions and finish this worksheet.
1 Find the little x’s. Color them blue.
2 Draw some decorations to make the letter X picture more interesting.
3 Write X and x in the box.


1 在圖片裡找到小寫 x,塗成藍色。
2 畫一些點綴或裝飾,讓字母X的圖片變得更有趣。
3 在空格裡練習寫大小字母X和x。

ABC worksheet: X beginning words

Let the children learn about the representative words starting with the letter X. You can say the representative words and let the children point out the picture with their fingers. 1 xylophone, 2 x-ray of fish, 3 x-ray of chameleon, 4 x-ray of dinosaur, 5 x-ray of frog, 6 x-ray of elephant, and 7 x-ray of human.

Encourage children to freely add and draw something in the picture, and then tell a story of their own.


1 xylophone 木琴、
2 x-ray of fish 魚X光片、
3 x-ray of chameleon 變色龍X光片、
4 x-ray of dinosaur 恐龍X光片、
5 x-ray of frog 青蛙X光片、
6 x-ray of elephant 大象X光片、
7 x-ray of human 人類X光片。


