Phonics: Christmas Toys

Phonics worksheet: Christmas things

This coloring worksheet helps kids recognize the common items at Christmas and practice the beginning sounds of the words: 1 light, 2 tree, 3 holly, 4 star, 5 stocking, 6 angel, 7 hat, 8 snowman, 9 snowflake, 10 bell, 11 reindeer, 12 sleigh, 13 gingerbread man, 14 Santa Claus, and 15 present.

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1 light 燈、
2 tree 樹、
3 holly 冬青樹、
4 star 星星、
5 stocking 長統襪、
6 angel 天使、
7 hat 帽子、
8 snowman 雪人、
9 snowflake 雪花片、
10 bell 鈴鐺、
11 reindeer 馴鹿、
12 sleigh 雪橇、
13 gingerbread man 薑餅人、
14 Santa Claus 聖誕老公公、
15 present 禮物。

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