Phonics: Things In the Study Room

Phonics worksheet: In the Study Room

This coloring worksheet helps kids recognize the common items in the study room and practice the beginning sounds of the words: 1 floor lamp、2 bookbag、3 guitar、4 calendar、5 painting、6 clock、7 computer、8 reading lamp、9 cup、10 globe、11 balloon、12 desk、13 drawer、14 ball、15 chair、16 plant、17 cushion、18 notebook、19 books、20 bookshelf.

<PS> Move your mouse over the coloring worksheet, right-click the mouse, and select Save Image As to download an A4-size worksheet.



1 floor lamp落地燈、
2 bookbag書包、
3 guitar吉他、
4 calendar日曆、
5 painting畫、
6 clock時鐘、
7 computer電腦、
8 reading lamp檯燈、
9 cup咖啡杯、
10 globe地球儀、
11 balloon氣球、
12 desk 書桌、
13 drawer抽屜、
14 ball球、
15 chair椅子、
16 plant植物、
17 cushion墊子、
18 notebook筆記本、
19 books書、
20 bookshelf書架。

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